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Sound Off

Jul 30, 2023

A quick shoutout of thanks to the Citrus County taxing authorities for the Save Our Home Savings Assessment Reduction, as shown on my 2023 notice I just received. Even though my Inverness home’s market value increased quite a bit, my taxes came in $50 less than last year. I was happily surprised. So, thank you.

I had to go to a business yesterday and one today on U.S. 19. Where are the workers? Were they pulled to work on some other projects on County Roads 486 and 491? There is a rumor going around that’s what’s going on. Before any other permits or building of any kind, finish what you started. I can’t believe the powers-that-be have not even given Eagle Buick a ramp to enter their business. You have to drive much further past and make a U-turn over the rocky road to try and beat the trucks to get in the lane to get back to Eagle. Disgusting. Come on, already. What is the problem, and better yet, what is the timeline to finish U.S. 19? On top of this, there are so many abandoned or near-empty strip malls in the area. Fix them instead of issuing permits for all the teardown of nature; cementing the area is causing a problem with irrigation.

Regarding cutting ties with the American Library Association; What a hateful, small-minded county this is. What are these ever-so righteous people so afraid of? It’s by exposure to and discussion of ideas that children and adults learn. The more you ban, the more enticing the books become. A locked mind has got to be a slow suffocating death.

I find it beyond belief that our county commissioners not only ignored the wishes of Ozello residents, but also the two “no” votes from the Land Development Board to approve the glampground in Ozello. It sounds like Kinnard cut off all discussion and rushed the motion to approve the project. It seems everyone forgot all they learned from the recent 7-Eleven mistake. Let’s remember this when elections come around and get a brand new board that cares more about our environment and the unique beauty of Citrus County than money.

Once again, in regard to Crystal Square, it appears to me as though it’ll be nothing more than all talk and no action. Been here 12 years and it is still deplorable.

Oh please Mr. Mayor, we have heard this song from you since elected into office. How many years have we listened to him stand on his little soap box and cry “foul” about the derelict plaza on U.S. Highway 19, but, as stated, he really doesn’t want to use a heavy hand. He has allowed this issue to fester until it is completely out of control. $400,000 in fines that I’m sure will be dismissed by “weak Meek” and his complacent cohort in this disaster, former City Manager Ken Frink. No doubt the New York owners of this catastrophe are simply scheming to develop another excuse to receive another pass on these fake fines.

What’s going on with the cemetery, Inverness? Pine Ridge is nicely mowed – Pine Hill, I should say. Oak Ridge is left unattended. Is the city on strike or something? Please get someone to take care of it.

Everyone who cares about protecting our precious and fragile Nature Coast should be aware of what happened at the BOCC hearing for Ozello. Commissioner Kinnard, who represents Ozello, led the charge to approve the RV park after just a few minutes of discussion. He quickly made a motion to approve and pushed for a vote on that motion before any real discussion could get started. Commissioners Bays and Schlabach were right there with him. It is outrageous that a decision this important to the county and our coastal estuaries could be made in just a few minutes. Shame on you, Commission Kinnard. You sold out Ozello to developers and you did it without hesitation or remorse. Those of us who love our beautiful coastal waters will remember that when we see your name on the ballot in the next election.

Today is Monday, Aug. 28, I just read 12 Sound Offs this morning in the Chronicle praising Publix for their policy of no non-service dogs in their stores. I just laugh because I was at the Hernando Publix yesterday, Sunday, Aug. 27. It was very busy at 10 a.m. As I was passing the check out area, I see a young lady with a very large German shepherd waiting in line to pay. The dog was on a leash, no service vest. Publix has had the policy since 2020 and they didn’t enforce it and, as I witnessed yesterday, they continue to not enforce it. You will keep seeing dogs that are non-service in their stores.

This is in regard to all the “kudos to Publix” for not letting dogs in the store, but if they are an actual service dog and have a harness on, they cannot keep them out of the store and they cannot challenge the owner for documentation, and you can buy the service dog collars online for mere dollars and just walk your schnauzer in Publix.